Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Ornament and function go together. There is no structure in nature that can be classified as pure ornament without function. In traditional architecture, which was more tied to nature, such a separation never existed. Meanwhile, another conception "use what is there, stay simple, embrace open air, and honor light, freedom, and grace."  is also noticeable as social architecture based on economy, modesty, and the found beauty of environments. By achieving these schemes, emotional connection to artifacts, structures as well as nature is formed as characteristics demonstrated below:
  1. We feel a sense of nourishment from them.
  2. If we participate in actually making them, we also feel this sense of nourishment.
  3. When we can identify this connection and distinguish it from media-influenced liking, then we find that we agree with many other people.
  4. This is not merely an aesthetic judgment, but something that overlaps with deeper aspects of culture and life.
  5. The connection can be checked empirically, and is not a simple matter of opinion.
In light of these, it’s possible to combine this method with the way we are constructing today so as to generate something interesting that will draw attention.

Corydon Ireland, Harvard Gazette. "Lacaton & Vassal's Lesson in Building Modestly" 20 Apr 2015.ArchDaily. Accesed 18 Jun 2015. <> 

Nikos Salingaros. "Unified Architectural Theory, Chapter 12" 16 May 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 28 May 2015. <>Nikos Salingaros. "Unified Architectural Theory: Chapter 9A" 21 Mar 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 28 May 2015. <>

Moving elements in lumion

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Marker in Lumion

As the conception of  integration between architectures and natural environment has turned up,  rapport between human and nature has gained increasing attention, This maker located in Black town international sport park appropriately connects the sport park and peripheral  environment by using environmental friendly materials and innovative construction strategies. 



This maker is mainly made out of tiles, glasses and kinds of metals, which minimizes the carbon emission during process. Besides, the massive use of glasses also provide more natural light, as a result, those who are visiting this maker could have wider view of  adjacent buildings and natural scenery.

Strategies of interwovening are suitably exploited in this maker with the walls and ceilings complicatedly intersected like a maze, which endow the interestingness in this building.

Link to the model in Lumion:https:

Sketchup Model